25,00 €
Catalog / Collected works
104 Pages, 21×30 cm
Bilingual: German & English
ISBN 978-3-941151-31-4
Published by Ilknur Özen and Nora Hauschild,
Mainz 2019
Delivery time: 3 to 7 days within Germany
Orders outside of Germany may have longer delivery times
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The illustrated book DENKSTAHL. HEADS shows 82 heads from AL’s portrait series. The portrait art of the Frankfurt artist is colorful, symbolic and philosophical.
The stars of our world are not only famous musicians, athletes, politicians, clerics, artists and thinkers, but also Burger King, McDonald‘s, Starbucks, Shell, Apple, Rolex, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Mercedes, Smith & Wesson, Google, Facebook, Twitter etc. The stars of our time include certain nation states; their most meaningful symbol is the inviolable national flag. The way that AL portrays these personas, these global players, in his graphics, are convincingly critical. The expressive heads (originally photographs) are presented in bright colors, and they are transferred into another context of meaning, in a beautiful colorful illusory world.
»About the artist and author AL:
»Just imagine, we would only be heads – HEADS I
»Just imagine, we would only be heads – HEADS II
Denkstahl Books

art of a rebellious mind
Art Book, 3rd Edition
340 Pages
80 €