DENKSTAHL. Poesie & Prosa
30,00 €
In german language only!
180 Pages / Hardcover / 11,5×19 cm
Embossed by hand
ISBN 978-3-941151-21-5
Published by Ilknur Özen, Mainz 2018
Delivery time: 3 to 7 days within Germany
Orders outside of Germany may have longer delivery times
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The collection of poems and texts was created over years of development and experience in collaboration between the three artists AL, AMBA and NORA. The internal and external struggle of humans as well as the supposedly indescribable mystery of life and death are discussed.
The three artists got to know each other years ago, and since then they have been accompanying and inspiring each other in a friendly exchange. Together they founded the art project DENKSTAHL. Three people, three points of view, one truth.
Excerpt (in german language only)
Listen in! (in german language only)
Heimat – DENKSTAHL. Poetry & Prose
Stein der Weisen – DENKSTAHL. Poetry & Prose
Hommage – DENKSTAHL. Poetry & Prose
Reflexionen meiner selbst – DENKSTAHL. Poetry & Prose
Liebe, Freiheit, Wahrheit – DENKSTAHL. Poetry & Prose
Heilsame Stille – DENKSTAHL. Poetry & Prose
Stacheldorn – DENKSTAHL. Poetry & Prose
Liebesbekenntnis – DENKSTAHL. Poetry & Prose
Denkstahl Books

art of a rebellious mind
Art Book, 3rd Edition
340 Pages
80 €