Holy Dirty Money

Holy Dirty Money

The sinful use of money can already be found in the biblical name of Mammon: Mammon, a worshipped deity, originates from dishonestly acquired profit or immorally used wealth. »No one can serve two masters: Either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be...
Art, Commerce, Money and Money Art

Art, Commerce, Money and Money Art

Money also rules the art world. Art is traded at record prices and the way the prices are set by the art market is inscrutable. Art economists, economic sociologists, art scholars and other experts have been trying to get behind the rules of the market for years. The...
Denkstahl @ Dollar Art

Denkstahl @ Dollar Art

Money and consumption have been among the main motifs of DENKSTAHL art. Since the beginning. In the first 10 years of his work, the Frankfurt artist painted with pastel and acrylic on canvas and created collages. Since 2000 he has been depicting his socially critical...
DENKSTAHL. art of a rebellious mind – The Book

DENKSTAHL. art of a rebellious mind – The Book

288 Pages, 21×30 cm ISBN 978-3-941151-33-8 DENKSTAHL.art of a rebellious mind Content Fly FalconRevelationProfileArtistic Developmentdigit-al streetartheadsliving on the walldenkstahlunited colors of denkstahl This 2nd edition is out of stock! Please see the 3rd...


Street Art is no longer just an underground movement, but one of the most exciting contemporary art forms. Anyone who sees the city as an urban gallery will discover a variety of graffiti, murals and stickers of the subculture. Street Art that combines an artist’s...

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