340 Seiten, 21×30 cm
ISBN 978-3-941151-36-9
art of a rebellious mind
Fly Falcon
Artistic Development
It’s The Year X
digit-al streetart
remains of peace
what a wonderful world
tribute to
Published by Nora Hauschild and Ilknur Özen
Verlag & Galerie Vollherzig, Mainz 2022
The third modified edition of the biographical art book DENKSTAHL. art of a rebellious mind has been published in 2021, and the English edition is now also available. The changes in the third edition are mainly related to the expanded chapters of the art series with recent works of the Frankfurt artist.
DENKSTAHL. art of a rebellious mind tells the story of an artist from the streets to art. The biographical account is followed by illustrations of ALs earlier artworks. Later turning to digital art, AL takes up the expressions and motifs known from street art. His poetry and aphorisms are as strong in their expression as his paintings.
The images are often accompanied by provocative and humorous image titles as well as poetic and philosophical texts that deepen the artist’s point of view. AL has mastered the art of thinking in pictures like hardly anyone else. In doing so, he often uses a strong symbolic language. His play with ancient symbols and modern corporate logos on his digital canvas visually highlights what is worth considering.
With over 280 illustrations and equally extensive words, AL challenges us to question our own values and motives. The name DENKSTAHL says it all and aptly describes the artist’s message. Whether in pictures, poetry or prose; in their essence his works are all the same. ALs art is about confrontation, about radical food for thought!
Thank You White Man by DENKSTAHL
Digital Art – Unique Piece, 150×150 cm
Denkstahl Books

art of a rebellious mind
Art Book, 2nd Edition
288 Pages
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