This is the shocking realization, that nothing has changed for thousands of years. Despite all technological and scientific achievements, at the end of the day, everything has took a turn for the worst. All the alleged knowledge, all the formulas, the rules, the norms, all religions, all systems, all those clever words, to this day have only served to keep humanity in its voluntary enslavement and to nurture the stultification of people‘s minds.

No sacrifice on the cross for all sins, no revolution, no politics, not any science, not a single so-called clever mind, may it be Socrates, Einstein, Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, Luther, the pope, a boss, a teacher, a philosopher, or anyone else, has managed to lead humanity to any insight.

All those wonderful words of forgiveness, of altruism, sharing, giving, children, earth, life – everything just lies, everything just self-deceit, commandments, God, devil, hell, paradise, war, poverty, misery, nothing, nothing, nothing whatsoever has ever changed anything in the passages of the brain‘s of the mentally ill. Today they wouldn‘t even hesitate a moment, to burn, to gas, to torture, to defame, to betray.

It‘s the same hypocrisy, the same double morality, the same stupid infantry. These are the same assassins, the same heretics, the same institutions as 2,000 years ago. It‘s the same principle, not some ruler‘s race, not some conspiracy theory, no dictators, politicians or whoever it may be: It is man himself, only the people, only they.

Originally an artwork by Banksy, with a burning American flag and the portrait of Chief Geronimo

Think Black by DENKSTAHL

unique piece, fine art print, 170×125 cm

No freedom, no peace, no love, no celebration, no party, no warmth, no seeing, no hearing, no speaking, and everyone is right and everyone else is wrong. The sword, the cripple, the pressure, the must, the constraint, the moral, the prisons, the gags, the chains, the schools, the teachers, the abuse, everyone, yes everyone still participates, and everyone is stupid, lazy, idle, devious, bitter, dogmatic; lying, cheating, stealing, killing, murdering, raiding, raping. The human-being is sick, insane, confused, lonely, alone, full of greed, hate, rage, anger, envy, jealousy, oriented towards power, fame, more, more and so much more … Regardless of the consequences whatsoever, never minding how high the price is.

And no physician, no healer, no leader, no father, no mother, no friend, no pity, no explanation, no pill, no diet, no cosmetics, no catastrophy, no millions of dead have changed anything. Everything stays the same. No contract, no word, for nothing man has given, has he ever kept his word.

For our children a wonderful life, the future, all will be good, faith, prayer, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not lie, thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shalt not commit adultery, respect, humbleness, gratefulness, deference, honour, pride, purity, aesthetic, nourish and cherish, family, the people, all just empty, soulless, dead words.

No history, not the Greek, not the Roman, not the Cesarians, no emperor, no kind, no Napoleon, no Hitler, no Stalin, no Merkel, no Kant, no Mother Theresa, not any such evil and not any such holy, nothing and nobody. People are people, who until today couldn‘t rise above their miserable, selfish, petty worldview.

Originally an artwork by Banksy, with a burning American flag and the portrait of Chief Geronimo

Think Orange by DENKSTAHL

unique piece, fine art print, 170×125 cm

Everything man does is focussed on destruction and exploitation, and it is not the others, it is you yourself. If overindulged, if overbred, if stupid or sick, it is you yourself, you yourself it is. Every bad thought, every bad word, every bad vibe, every bad way, every accident, every mishap, every misery, it is you yourself.

People want, can, may, shall, must not hear, see, smell, taste, touch or feel ever the truth. They are scared, they are cowards, they are hiding, they defame, they don‘t stand straight, don‘t take responsibility, they don‘t know how to behave, they are not independant, they have no determination. They oversleep, come too late, are untidy, poison themselves and their environment, break their word, lie to their children, their wife, their husband, and to themselves.

They are still small, they are still a clerk, still a civilian, still in a club, still have a nationality, still set boundaries, differentiate, destroy assesses, grades, judges, are presumptious, making the world subservient. Yes, man is still small, he is not great, no, he is still very small, smaller than ever. Damn it, it is you yourself, you have been told for thousands of years, damn it, it is you yourself. Damn it, it is me, myself.

Sweet singing has betrayed some birds – Twittered Out

A tweet; a twittering, a birdsong. As we understand it today, a tweet no longer has anything to do with nature or the innocent, beautiful sound of a bird. Rather, it is representative of the entire digital world; for the abysses, temptations, and purposes of social...

Digital Money Art by DENKSTAHL – powered by NFTs

In the summer of 2021 I purchased some DENKSTAHL artworks. In addition to the very beautiful artworks, I received a certificate signed by the artist for each piece, confirming the authenticity and uniqueness of these artworks. This additional certification is...

DENKSTAHL. art of a rebellious mind – The Book

288 Pages, 21×30 cm ISBN of a rebellious mind Content Fly FalconRevelationProfileArtistic Developmentdigit-al streetartheadsliving on the walldenkstahlunited colors of denkstahl This 2nd edition is out of stock! Please see the 3rd...

A day without a smile is a lost day – so what!?

DENKSTAHL’s work So What (orig. Na und) combines comedy, rebellion and tragedy in a cynical way. It is somewhat a tragic comedy; I dare say that this is an analogy to life. »It doesn't matter«, »so what«, »nevermind«, »it is not important« – many arguments have...

Denkstahl – an artist between classical art history and rebellion

AL alias DENKSTAHL is an autodidact artist. While three decades ago his work was strongly influenced by abstract and action painting, he now has adopted digital art as his chosen profession and expression. Digital visual art has its origins in socially critical comics...

Dedicated to the children of tomorrow

Images and texts that I have dedicated to the children of this world. For love, truth, freedom and life!What A Wonderful World There’s a human child in discomfortas if they’re cutting his heart out.No-one takes any noticeof all the ongoing anguish.We hear him whining,...

Digit-AL Streetart l DENKSTAHL

The artist AL is an autodidact and has been artistically active for more than 25 years. Having grown up in the Frankfurt milieu, rebellion against the existing social system and against injustice has shaped his life early on, and thereafter his art. His art...

Artist and author AL, DENKSTAHL – in an interview with Sequana Birkel

The DENKSTAHL artist AL challenges every single person to question their own values ​​and motives, while addressing the extent and consequences of an egoistic and consumer-oriented way of being with unshakable vehemence. The name DENKSTAHL (thoughts of steel) says it...

The art of not being an artist

My primary interest in art does not lie in the sphere of craftwork or techniques. Neither do I try to deliver appealing results appropriate for, or adapted to the viewer. The latter idea in particular exists in thousands upon thousands of versions. I call this kind of...

Denkstahl @ Max Papeschi in Milano

The DENKSTAHL artist AL visited his colleague Max Papeschi in Milano. AL and Max get along really well and are able to communicate with each other through their artworks. The language within their symbolic images and their meaningful titles are all they need. Both Max...







Originally an artwork by Banksy, with a burning American flag and the portrait of Chief Geronimo

Think Green by DENKSTAHL

unique piece, fine art print, 170×125 cm

Originally an artwork by Banksy, with a burning American flag and the portrait of Chief Geronimo

Think Purple by DENKSTAHL

unique piece, fine art print, 170×125 cm

Originally an artwork by Banksy, with a burning American flag and the portrait of Chief Geronimo

Think Red by DENKSTAHL

unique piece, fine art print, 170×125 cm

Originally an artwork by Banksy, with a burning American flag and the portrait of Chief Geronimo

Think Blue by DENKSTAHL

unique piece, fine art print, 170×125 cm

The pictures presented in our art blog are purchasable as DENKSTAHL UNIQUE PIECES, if they are still available.

A unique piece is a high-gloss print with pigmented ink on high-quality photo paper, laminated behind acrylic glass and reinforced by an aluminum back. Each unique piece is stamped with an artist’s stamp. For each artwork you will receive a certificate of authenticity signed by the artist and the biographical art book DENKSTAHL. art of a rebellious mind, which will be dedicated to you.

If you have any questions or are interested in an artwork, please send us your inquiry via e-mail to You can also arrange your individual appointment directly by phone or via a WhatsApp message: +49 1772851804.

Digit-AL Streetart l DENKSTAHL

The artist AL is an autodidact and has been artistically active for more than 25 years. Having grown up in the Frankfurt milieu, rebellion against the existing social system and against injustice has shaped his life early on, and thereafter his art. His art...

A day without a smile is a lost day – so what!?

DENKSTAHL’s work So What (orig. Na und) combines comedy, rebellion and tragedy in a cynical way. It is somewhat a tragic comedy; I dare say that this is an analogy to life. »It doesn't matter«, »so what«, »nevermind«, »it is not important« – many arguments have...

Just imagine, we would only be heads – HEADS I

The series HEADS by DENKSTAHL reinvents portraiture with political, religious and historical content. His digital collages are rich in well-known symbols and new-modern logos. The symbols make the artworks a narrative. With his pictures, DENKSTAHL tells his own...

And then when we leave someday

»And then when we leave someday, you'll miss us, ‘cause We are aliens.« We are aliens – this phrase from Marteria's song »Aliens«, if you just let it sink in for a moment, has the potential to constitute a whole philosophy, an attitude towards life, or even religion....

Denkstahl @ Max Papeschi in Milano

The DENKSTAHL artist AL visited his colleague Max Papeschi in Milano. AL and Max get along really well and are able to communicate with each other through their artworks. The language within their symbolic images and their meaningful titles are all they need. Both Max...

Humanity or the art of being human

We all have an idea of humanity and, consciously or not, evaluate and categorize behavior as being  »human« or »inhuman«. But what exactly does it mean to be human? What is humankind or humanity? Philosophical approaches define »human« in the sense of being »ethically...

The art of not being an artist

My primary interest in art does not lie in the sphere of craftwork or techniques. Neither do I try to deliver appealing results appropriate for, or adapted to the viewer. The latter idea in particular exists in thousands upon thousands of versions. I call this kind of...

Denkstahl – an artist between classical art history and rebellion

AL alias DENKSTAHL is an autodidact artist. While three decades ago his work was strongly influenced by abstract and action painting, he now has adopted digital art as his chosen profession and expression. Digital visual art has its origins in socially critical comics...

Art, Commerce, Money and Money Art

Money also rules the art world. Art is traded at record prices and the way the prices are set by the art market is inscrutable. Art economists, economic sociologists, art scholars and other experts have been trying to get behind the rules of the market for years. The...

Holy Dirty Money

The sinful use of money can already be found in the biblical name of Mammon: Mammon, a worshipped deity, originates from dishonestly acquired profit or immorally used wealth. »No one can serve two masters: Either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be...







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