The sinful use of money can already be found in the biblical name of Mammon: Mammon, a worshipped deity, originates from dishonestly acquired profit or immorally used wealth. »No one can serve two masters: Either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be attached to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon.« These words of Jesus are clear and plain, but their earthly interpretation is not as distinct.
Money Prayer by DENKSTAHL
NFT – coming soon
DENKSTAHL has dealt with the money theme devotedly and intensively. In his extensive money art series HOLY DIRTY MONEY the Frankfurt artist does not leave out any money-related topic.
Around 600 BC, valuable goods such as livestock, grain, salt and shells were first and foremost used as intermediate means of exchange, i.e. it was commodity money. Gold and silver soon followed as popular means of payment to facilitate barter. Around 550 BC, the Lydian king Croesus introduced the first uniformly minted coins. China was the first country to put paper money into circulation in the 11th century. In Europe, the first banknotes were issued in the 15th century.
On the one hand, money has become a holy deity, and on the other hand, it is possible to conduct dirty business with money and because of it. Is it holy or dirty? From commodity money, fiat money, book money, coin money, paper money, plastic money and digital money to End Of Bargeld (End Of Cash) – the journey of a means of payment. In addition, DENKSTAHL also addresses the current cryptocurrency icon Bitcoin, whose advocates aim to decentralize the monetary system. The titles of his artworks are elementary; with Bribe Money, Black Money, Blood Money, the thinker, poet and artist addresses the abusive use of money. Is there even clean money – money that isn’t tainted with blood? If not, how could we »wash it clean« once it is in our hands?
The question is not,
whether you have money or want it,
the question is how you deal with it.
Fuck Life by DENKSTAHL
Digital Art – Unique Piece, 170×125 cm
What value do we attach to money today? Individually and socially. Earning money: the daily bread. A necessity, a means to an end and familiar to everyone. Wealth through work, the hunt for money – a natural endeavor in our latitudes. And yet it is not harmless. It is not for nothing that many people have an ambivalent relationship with money – perhaps because it is the root of all evil?
Quite a few successful people have neglected their family and friends on the way to their wealth, overstrained their physical and mental health, only to realize that the damage done cannot be undone with money, even later only to realize that it is more blessed to give than to receive.
Everything has its price, including the way we deal with money. From the way we handle money we can easily »apprehend« how we deal with life. And of course also how we deal with each other. With money, friendship does not cease, but the quality of the friendship becomes apparent. Money does not corrupt the character, but shows the character while bringing out the dark side of a person. Money alone does not make you happy; you have to let it flow. Avarice. Greed. The broken relationship with money. The disrupted flow is called hoarding. But life is in flow when money also flows.
Money makes you calculate and it is always about quantity. For it has long since ceased to be just a means of exchange and payment, it now also is the symbol of prosperity, wealth and power. But how much property and wealth do we really need? How much of the more-more-more is really enough? A degenerate need that cannot be satisfied per se. We are heading for the endgame of the ego. Towards the end of claims to possession, which are at the same time claims to power. Towards the end of the state of consciousness »mine«. My house. My family. My country. My nation. My religion. My God. My money.
For power and money,
a storm of misery, you’ve sparked as any.
A heart, that does not forget,
a heart, that bleeds, because you do forget.
In view of all the problems of those who have no money and those who have too much of it: Is there any middle ground at all between asceticism and decadence? What does a successful, beautiful way of dealing with money look like if we also want to think of the others? If we consider that every 10 seconds a child dies of hunger in this world. Although the quantity of the available, produced food would be enough for everyone and no single person would need to perish. And when we consider that the war industry is one of the biggest money-making industries of all. Although we, as humans, could all live together in peace.
With his works DENKSTAHL sprinkles salt into the wound. His pictures are rich in contrast, gaudy and critical all at once. They reflect our world of life. The seduction. The selfishness. The hypocrisy. The abuse. Desolate and degenerative conditions of the world. Starving children. Wars that are waged. The exploited planet. Because of money and because of power.
Since the end of the Second World War, philosophers and cultural critics have been calling loudly and longingly for the new, because the old system – the ailing system of thought – has had its day. But how does the “new” really look like? What are we taking with us from the old world, what is still sacred to us and what is too dirty to make it into the brave new world? The worshipped deity of money is beautiful and dirty at the same time. An ancient story meets the future; at a turning point of times, we ask ourselves: what does the new zeitgeist value?
Art Advisory & Mediation,
M.A. Philosophy & Educational Science
Art Advisory & Management,
MSc Psychology
For thinking, rethinking, thinking ahead
»Digital Money Art by DENKSTAHL – powered by NFTs
»Denkstahl @ MakersPlace
»Money Meets Street – DENKSTAHL Dollar Art
»Art, Commerce, Money and Money Art
»An artist between classical art history and rebellion
For thinking, rethinking, thinking ahead
»Digital Money Art by DENKSTAHL – powered by NFTs
»Money Meets Street – DENKSTAHL Dollar Art
»Art, Commerce, Money and Money Art
»An artist between classical art history and rebellion
The pictures presented in our art blog are purchasable as DENKSTAHL UNIQUE PIECES, if they are still available.
A unique piece is a high-gloss print with pigmented ink on high-quality photo paper, laminated behind acrylic glass and reinforced by an aluminum back. Each unique piece is stamped with an artist’s stamp. Zu dem Kunstwerk erhältst Du ein vom Künstler signiertes Echtheitszertifikat und das Dir gewidmete biografische Kunstbuch DENKSTAHL. art of a rebellious mind,.
If you have any questions or are interested in an artwork, please send us your inquiry via e-mail to You can also arrange your individual appointment directly by phone or via a WhatsApp message: +49 1772851804.